Trippy Tran Films’ 10th Short Movie “State of Agonal” Hits the Las Vegas Premiere Film Festival & More

Back in May of this year 2023, Trippy Tran Films teamed up with On The Brink Entertainment and Bobby Duncan (Lights, Camera, Action Films) to make a new psychological thriller/drama – on brand with previous movies like “Duality: The Battle Within”, “QK-Hilltop” and our full-length feature still looking for sound design “Obliquity: Imagery of the Unknown”, making our tenth short film a journey to be reckoned with that takes you on a trippy ride!

Synopsis: Singh’s troubled past leads him into a psychological world into the unknown. Will Singh find his way back to his girlfriend Lisa, or will his new reality become unchanged indefinitely?

The movie short has so far been selected for 2 film festivals including the Las Vegas Premiere Film Festival that takes place August 11th & 12th with a step and repeat red carpet event starting at 5pm with our screening at 5:15pm. Tickets at eventbrite. It’s also been selected for The Madavera Expojour Jazztimes Film Festival in NY, though the screening got cancelled, it will now be online with audience voting! Details coming soon!

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Originally made for the Collaboration Filmmakers Challenge (CFC) – a 2 week short movie competition where you have to work on another team’s movie for a day – a re-edit was made after transpiring events and this is the edit that was selected so far for these two film festivals. There will be a Q&A in Vegas with director Anthony T. Tran (aka Anthony “Rory” Tran) and we’re hoping to take home an award!

Starring Shah, Kristina de Mora, Bobby Duncan and Donald Barre, plus Ronee Collins, Dan Luong and Monroe Langston, plus killer dance moves from Sam Flight Roberts and music composed by Amy Cooper, this is a movie shot at Venice Beach and the Hollandsworth Movie Ranch that takes the audience on a wild journey into the mind of Singh – a man who feels lost in this world with no way out.

Tran is also teaming up with Super Angels Productions for another 48 Hour Film Project this weekend. Email to get involved.

We are also prepping our 11th short film, a slasher/horror for the FrightFest Competition and will be looking for crew and sending for auditions in the next coming weeks.

ART A Reasonable Truth is also working on his second album and will be looking to collaborate with several talents on a new comedic version of “Choices – An Interactive Story”, the IDGA$ Talk Show and more!